Fire Retardancy

When purchasing a flower wall they are not treated for fire retardancy, but we do offer a fire retardance service.

When making a purchase for the flower wall, whether it is installed by us or simply fulfilling a purchase, we advise our customers to bundle in the fire retardancy and get their walls treated to ensure safety for their premises. When the treatment is taken out with the initial order we can offer a discounted price.

Our qualified technician will treat the wall with the fire retardancy solution, which we certify using a ‘certificate of appliance.’ This certificate is issued in accordance with fire safety regulations.

Key Points

  • Treatment lasts for 12 months
  • Does not affect the appearance of the flower wall
  • You are provided with a certificate of application
  • Treatment conforms to British and European safety standards
  • Can be looked after using our after-care plan service without it affecting the fire retardancy treatment
  • Not harmful to children or adults